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News Feature

Oct. 15, 2023


周五下午,一支由六名急救人员组成的队伍徒步下山,现场一片混乱,人们大声呼救或震惊地尖叫,而其他人则神情茫然,伤势严重. 这是网上赌博网站十大排行一年一度的密苏里希望应急现场训练演习.

Leah Trumble, a senior parks and recreation management major from Springfield, Nebraska, 在那些进入现场并在她所在小组的事故指挥官的指示下执行搜索建筑物和照顾受害者任务的第一反应者中,她是谁.

大约一个小时后,模拟暂停重启,特朗布尔上气不接下气. Trumble, 谁说她参加灾难演习是为了学习如何应对救援和其他紧张情况, 说,支持反应小组的成功和帮助尽可能多的受害者的沟通是模拟中的一个关键组成部分.

“I learned that it’s really hard,” she said. “It was fun though. I like working under pressure.”

一组急救人员讨论他们在密苏里霍普期间帮助和治疗受害者的计划. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

一组急救人员讨论他们在密苏里霍普期间帮助和治疗受害者的计划. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

Within the framework of the simulation, 一夜之间的恶劣天气系统产生了龙卷风天气,影响了密苏里州西北部的几个城镇. The state emergency management agency confirmed severe damage to homes, blocked roadways and debris, 电力中断,人数不详的人需要医疗救助.

为期三天的模拟比赛在周五、周六和周日进行 Mozingo Outdoor Education Recreation Area (MOERA),虚构的小镇雷登村(Redden Village)是救灾工作的中心. There, Trumble and her team had to tend to 41 role-playing victims with cuts, broken limbs and more severe injuries leading to death.

在周五的年度密苏里希望应急响应现场训练演习中,一名急救人员正在帮助一名受害者. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

在周五的年度密苏里希望应急响应现场训练演习中,一名急救人员正在帮助一名受害者. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

Medical and military personnel staffed a field hospital, where victims were brought for treatment during Missouri Hope. (Submitted photo)

Medical and military personnel staffed a field hospital, where victims were brought for treatment during Missouri Hope. (Submitted photo)

在“密苏里希望”期间的其他任务中,团队面临的挑战是在莫辛哥湖进行水上救援. (Submitted photo)

在“密苏里希望”期间的其他任务中,团队面临的挑战是在莫辛哥湖进行水上救援. (Submitted photo)

一组急救人员将一名受害者运送到密苏里州霍普市的治疗中心. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

一组急救人员将一名受害者运送到密苏里州霍普市的治疗中心. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

Elsewhere, at MOERA’s ropes challenge course, a team navigated the Odyssey 模拟在冲垮的桥上从高角度营救一个小孩. At a Mozingo Lake cove, another team was tasked with a water rescue, which coincided with searching for a missing child. At the top of the hill near Redden Village, medical and military personnel staffed a field hospital, where victims were brought for treatment.

而灾难模拟则教给参与者与任务相关的技能,比如搜索和救援, 急救和事故指挥系统-他们还建立与领导有关的过程技能, active followership and building highly effective teams.

At the ropes challenge course, Dale Shaeffer, 来自山林大学应急与灾害管理专业的大二学生, Missouri, and Alissa Hays, a junior emergency and disaster management major from Creston, Iowa, 磨练团队建设能力和沟通能力,成功完成救援任务. Both want to enter law enforcement careers. 

海斯说:“网上赌博网站十大排行都有自己的专业知识和细分市场. “因此,与新朋友交往,建立联系,然后再一起做场景,这很棒.”

Shaeffer added, “这绝对是来到这里学习新事物的好时机——学习你不太熟悉的东西,了解你作为团队成员的优势和劣势。.”

紧急与灾害管理专业大一新生萨拉·雷(Sarah Wray)是周五下午水上救援小组的一员. Wray, who already works as a firefighter in Hopkins, Missouri, hoped to deepen her knowledge by participating in Missouri Hope.

“If you learn with more hands-on than lecture, this is definitely something I’m grateful Northwest does,” Wray said.

Since its first year in 2013, 密苏里希望已经发展并扩展为为期三天的多学科大规模伤亡培训经验,这是西北地区的学生在密苏里州学习专业或未成年人的必修课 emergency and disaster management (EDM). 

该活动包括为学生和医疗急救人员轮流进行不同的训练练习, police, fire and armed forces. Scenarios include search-and-rescue, 评估创伤和从困难地形撤离, such as cliffs and rivers.

除了参加演习的几十名学生和志愿者,他们整个周末都在工作, 172名不同年龄的志愿者扮演了受害者的角色,给培训带来了真实感. 角色扮演者被装扮成各种各样的身体受伤的受害者,这些受害者通常在洪水和龙卷风中遭受伤害.

Missouri Hope is sponsored each fall by Northwest’s Consortium for Humanitarian Service and Education, 这是一个非营利组织,为灾难应对和人道主义救援领域的个人协调完全沉浸式体验. Partner agencies include Maryville Public Safety, Nodaway and Buchanan County Emergency Management, Nodaway County Ambulance District, LifeFlight and LifeNet Air Ambulances, SEMA Region H Marine Hazmat Team, 密苏里国民警卫队第129野战炮兵营和密苏里国民警卫队第139空运联队.

这项活动也吸引了来自全国各地高校的学生, 包括今年来自密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校的学生, Northern Oklahoma College, The Citadel in South Carolina and the University at Albany in New York. 代表参加培训的院校的教员也为培训工作提供了他们的专门知识, 包括来自The Citadel的讲师,他们介绍了如何培养高绩效团队.

“We’ve got a lot of talent that’s coming from these places, and it’s the partnership between the schools that makes that possible,” said John Carr, 谁是人道主义服务和教育联盟的执行董事,之前是西北应急和灾害管理项目的协调员.

MOERA is a 320-acre parcel of land at Mozingo Lake Recreation Park, located east of Maryville on Highway 46. MOERA由西北健康科学与健康学院运营,提供各种户外教育和娱乐机会, including a challenge course, trap shooting and archery, canoes and kayaks, and outdoor research areas.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215