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10月. 10, 2023

Students gain professional experience through summer internships

By Georgia McGonigle, communication assistant


实习可以帮助学生发展专业技能,锻炼他们在学习中学到的东西. Career Services 网上赌博网站十大排行建议学生在课堂外获得实践经验,并帮助学生完成实习过程的每一步, including searches and résumé reviews.

“从实践中学习与通过阅读或写作学习是一种不同的学习方式,” Hannah Christian, the director of Career Services, 说. “So, 它给学生一个机会,以不同的方式做一些事情,他们可能不知道自己喜欢或不喜欢.”


Corben McClintock

Corben McClintock at Turner Construction.

Corben McClintock at Turner Construction.

Corben McClintock, a senior computer science major from Kansas City, 密苏里州, worked as an information services intern with Turner Construction.

McClintock, who worked on the construction site of a data center, was tasked with troubleshooting technology, setting up audio-visual equipment, downloading software and patching wires. 他协助网站上任何遇到技术问题的人,并帮助确保程序正常运行.

“解决问题和成为分析思考者真的是我从中获得的东西-只是因为, on a construction site, you never really knew what was going to happen,” McClintock 说.


麦克林托克说:“这些课程确实有很大帮助,尤其是计算机科学. “They do a great job of showing you what is going to be expected of you, 但是除了站起来快速行动之外,真的没有别的学习方法了.”


杰克逊丰盛 interned with Select Sires.

杰克逊丰盛 interned with Select Sires.

杰克逊丰盛, a senior animal science major from Gladstone, 密苏里州, interned with Select Sires, 一个全球性的公司,专门从事牛遗传和繁殖服务与全国各地的合作社.

Routh traveled to cities in Nebraska, 堪萨斯州和密苏里州帮助向客户提供育种用品和设备. At other times, he helped breed cattle.

During the course of the summer, 劳斯对养牛有了更好的了解,并希望在他的专业和个人环境中运用他的技能.

“我真的, really like the cattle industry itself, and I think I found my niche in the breeding and genetics industry,罗斯说。. “I would really like to do something of this orientation after school, and even if I don’t get a job specifically, I will incorporate it into my own herd.”

Routh believes internship experience is valuable, 它还能让学生在大学毕业前探索自己的兴趣.

“如果你想在毕业后为走出学校做好准备, do an internship,罗斯说。. “If you really love something, chase it. Don’t let it go away just because you’re in school.”


艾米丽·汉森 was a photographer at Kanakuk K-2 Kamp in Lampe, 密苏里州.

艾米丽·汉森 was a photographer at Kanakuk K-2 Kamp in Lampe, 密苏里州.

艾米丽·汉森, a senior from Maryville, majoring in communication with a public relations emphasis, interned as a photographer at Kanakuk K-2 Kamp in Lampe, 密苏里州.

汉森, who also is a photographer for the Bearcat cheerleading team, 在夏令营度过了八周的时间,为参加足球等活动的营员拍照, 尾波滑水, basketball and jet skiing. 她的日常工作包括拍摄每一次夏令营活动,并按时上传照片,这样家长就可以在网上查看照片.

实习让汉森接触到了新的摄影风格,并把她赶出了自己的舒适区. 汉森通过捕捉露营者扣篮的动作镜头和驾驶水上摩托的照片,探索了新的创意方向.

“我带着相机跳悬崖,因为父母真的没有机会看到孩子跳悬崖,汉森说. “I’d go up on the ropes course and get pictures of them doing the ropes. I was fearless this summer.”


“I’m so happy that I did it, because I don’t know where I would be, 摄影 skill-wise, if I didn’t have that experience this summer,汉森说.


凯蒂·伯德 interned with WDAF-TV in Kansas City, 密苏里州.

凯蒂·伯德 interned with WDAF-TV in Kansas City, 密苏里州.

凯蒂·伯德, 一个卡尼, 密苏里州, junior studying mass media with an emphasis in multimedia journalism, interned with WDAF-TV in Kansas City, 密苏里州.

Byrd’s internship entailed shadowing reporters, writing news stories and developing on-air appearance skills.


“我觉得这次实习真的让我确信,这就是我想要从事的职业,伯德说. “It was great getting to learn from the anchors and reporters. They had a lot of really good, not only career advice, but life advice. Every day, I left feeling so excited for what the next one would bring.”

Because she was exposed to many facets of the broadcast journalism profession, 伯德说,她在WDAF的时间帮助她发展了多种技能,这将使她的职业生涯受益.

“I became a much better writer and communicator in general,伯德说. “我觉得我学会了如何写一篇简洁而内容丰富的正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台报道.”

Byrd believes her courses at Northwest prepared her well for her internship.

“(Classes) gave me a lot of background knowledge with writing, 视频编辑, camera operating,伯德说. “我觉得我应用了我所学到的东西,但我也学到了比我想象的多得多的东西.”


特伦特琼斯 interned at 密苏里州 Farm Bureau in Jefferson City, 密苏里州.

特伦特琼斯 interned at 密苏里州 Farm Bureau in Jefferson City, 密苏里州.

特伦特琼斯, a junior agricultural media and advertising major from Higginsville, 密苏里州, interned at 密苏里州 Farm Bureau in Jefferson City, 密苏里州, an organization that advocates for farmers and agriculture.

Jones worked in the public affairs department, and his responsibilities included filming and editing video footage, 摄影, writing news releases and working on the organization’s quarterly magazine.

Given the creative freedom to write, edit and design his own work during the internship, one of Jones’ favorite pieces of work was a magazine feature story, titled “Four-Legged Lawnmowers.故事讲的是一群放牧的山羊,它们属于密苏里州农业局的一个家庭,它们走遍密苏里州的农田,吃不需要的植物. 在专题报道的工作中,他在学习更多设计和摄影知识的同时,也锻炼和发展了自己的媒体写作能力.



Elaina Houston

Elaina Houston, a senior theatre major from Lake Sherwood, 密苏里州, 在南伊利诺伊大学麦克劳德夏季剧场(MSP)实习.

休斯顿整个夏天都在与专业剧院技术人员一起工作,在一个与网上赌博网站十大排行不同的环境中探索她的激情. 休斯顿与其他实习生和MSP员工一起加深了她对具体技术和设备的技能和知识.

“我学会了如何以正确的方式使用这些工具,并学会了很多关于索具的知识, which is something that I didn’t know how to do beforehand,休斯顿说.

In addition to hands-on learning in the tech theatre field, Houston took other valuable lessons from her time at MSP.

“I learned how to be a follower,休斯顿说. “For most of my experience in theatre, I have been in some sort of leadership role, 但在SIU, I was just a worker.”

休士顿在实习期间受到启发,准备开始布景设计的职业生涯, 她认为,所有有类似志向的学生都应该有和她一样的经历.

“这次实习让我非常兴奋,能和这个领域的新人一起工作,”休斯顿说. “我强烈推荐给任何想要实习或学习更多表演艺术的人. I could go on and on about the good memories that I made there.”


Dr. 马克Hornickel
Administration Building


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